Reference daogen-config.xsd documentation for Mars - Fugerit DAO Generation Framework (fj-daogen) 1.0.0

Elements configuration reference
Element Description Children
daogen-config Reference daogen-config.xsd documentation for Mars - Fugerit DAO Generation Framework (fj-daogen). The entry point for daogen-config configuration is ( relation , entity ) [0-unbounded]
relation Metadata for a relation between to entities to be generated.
entity Metadata for an entity to be generated. ( field ) [0-unbounded]
field Metadata for a field in an entity.

Element : daogen-config
Reference daogen-config.xsd documentation for Mars - Fugerit DAO Generation Framework (fj-daogen). The entry point for daogen-config configuration is
Attribute Description Note
base-src-folder The base source folder to use for generating the code (for example '.', or ${project.basedir} in maven), if not provided will default to current directory (.) string
database-type The database type (currently accepted values are : 'oracle', 'mysql', 'postres') string
gen-version The version that will be added to all generated code. (in javadoc comments or where applicable). string
gen-author The author that will be added to all generated code, for. (in javadoc comments or where applicable). string
src-main-java Relative path to 'base-src-folder' attribute. The directory for main java code. (for instance 'src/main/java' for maven standard layout). It will be used by the relevant generators as output folder. string
src-test-java Relative path to 'base-src-folder' attribute. The directory for test java code. (for instance 'src-test-java' for maven standard layout). It will be used by the relevant generators as output folder. string
src-main-resources Relative path to 'base-src-folder' attribute. The directory for main java resources. (for instance 'src/main/resources' for maven standard layout). It will be used by the relevant generators as output folder. string
src-test-resources Relative path to 'base-src-folder' attribute. The directory for test java resources. (for instance 'src/test/resources' for maven standard layout). It will be used by the relevant generators as output folder. string
src-doc-openapi Relative path to 'base-src-folder' attribute. The directory for openapi documentation. (for instance 'src/main/doc/openapi_rest'). It will be used by the relevant generators as output folder. string
relations-last 'true' if the entities should be generated at the end. string
src-helpers Relative path to 'base-src-folder' attribute. The directory helper java files. (default to 'src-main-java'). It will be used by the relevant generators as output folder . string
src-mvn-generated-sources Relative path to 'base-src-folder' attribute. The directory for maven plugin generated file. mainly to be used by fj-daogen-maven-plugin. It will be used by the relevant generators as output folder . string
class-config The class mapping for DaoGen classes. It will be default to 'cl://config/daogen_default_class_config.xml'. It is usually safe to keep the default. string
type-mapper The type mapper. It will be default to ''. It is usually safe to keep the default. string
type-map-config The type mapper config. It will be default to 'cl://config/daogen_default_type_mapping.xml'. It is usually safe to keep the default. string
generator-catalog The generator catalog. It will be default to 'cl://config/default-generator-catalog.xml'. It is usually safe to keep the default. string
decorator-catalog The decorator catalog. It will be default to 'cl://config/default-decorator-catalog.xml'. It is usually safe to keep the default. string
default-column-time-insert The default column to be used for 'insert' time. (e.g. 'DATE_INSERT'). Set this property only if you want a special handling of this column. string
default-column-time-update The default column to be used for 'last update' time. (e.g. 'DATE_INSERT'). Set this property only if you want a special handling of this column. string
struct-prefix The prefix for java.sql.Struct classes, it will default to 'OBJ_'. Common alternative may be 'UT_' (for user type). It is usually safe to keep the default. string
package-model The package to be used for model interfaces, for each entity. (e.g. ''). The relevant generators and decorators will only by run if this property is set. string
package-helper The package to be used for basic model implementation classes, for each entity. (e.g. ''). The relevant generators and decorators will only by run if this property is set. string
dao-helper-ng-mode If set to 'enabled' the '' property set will be selected. NOTE: when enabled, Helper entities will not be made serializable. enabledDisabledType , base : string , enumeration : [ enabled , disabled ]
dao-wrapper-ng-mode If set to 'enabled' the '' property set will be selected. NOTE: when enabled, Wrapper entities will not be made serializable. enabledDisabledType , base : string , enumeration : [ enabled , disabled ]
dao-finder-ng-mode If set to 'enabled' the '' property set will be selected. NOTE: when enabled, Finder entities will not be made serializable. enabledDisabledType , base : string , enumeration : [ enabled , disabled ]
dao-rest-ng-mode If set to 'enabled' the '' property set will be selected. NOTE: when enabled, Rest entities will not be made serializable. enabledDisabledType , base : string , enumeration : [ enabled , disabled ]
type-mapper-time-ng If set to 'enabled' the model_ng property in type mapper is selected. NOTE: when enabled, By default java.time.LocalDate/LocalTime/LocalDateTime will be used for model. enabledDisabledType , base : string , enumeration : [ enabled , disabled ]
package-struct The package to be used for database java.sql.String classes, for each entity. (e.g. ''). The relevant generators and decorators will only by run if this property is set. string
package-rse The package to be used for database classes, for each entity. (e.g. ''). The relevant generators and decorators will only by run if this property is set. string
package-facade-def The package to be used for DAO facade interfaces, for each entity. (e.g. ''). The relevant generators and decorators will only by run if this property is set. string
package-facade-data-impl The package to be used for DAO facade basic implementation, for each entity. (e.g. ''). The relevant generators and decorators will only by run if this property is set. string
factory-def The fully qualified name to be used for DAO factory interface. (e.g. ''). The relevant generators and decorators will only by run if this property is set. string
factory-data-impl The fully qualified name to be used for DAO factory basic implementation. (e.g. ''). The relevant generators and decorators will only by run if this property is set. string
package-rest-load The package to be used for a basic rest service implementation, for load methods, for each entity. (e.g. ''). The relevant generators and decorators will only by run if this property is set. NOTE: REST services generation is not recommended, if not as a starting stub. string
package-spring-rest-load The package to be used for a basic spring rest service implementation, for load methods, for each entity. (e.g. ''). The relevant generators and decorators will only by run if this property is set. NOTE: REST services generation is not recommended, if not as a starting stub. string
package-junit4-model The package to be used for a basic junit 4 implementation, for each entity. (e.g. ''). The relevant generators and decorators will only by run if this property is set. NOTE: The junit generation is a very simple stub to start with. string
package-junit5-model The package to be used for a basic junit 5 implementation, for each entity. (e.g. ''). The relevant generators and decorators will only by run if this property is set. NOTE: The junit generation is a very simple stub to start with. string
graalvm-reflect-config Path to the reflect-config.json file to be created (e.g. 'daogen-reflect-config.json'). Initial folder is defined by 'src-main-resources' property. NOTE: Only one file for all the project will be created. string
base-rest-service The base class for REST services. (e.g. ''). NOTE: REST services generation is not recommended, if not as a starting stub. string
openapi_host The host to be used for openapi specification and implementation specification. anyURI
openapi_path The path to be used for openapi specification and implementation specification. string
default-sequence The default sequence name to be used for the entities (it is possible to override it). string
check-empty-interface If set to '1' will check if interfaces have no methods. NOTE: currently ignored. string
jdk-target-version The jdk target version. jdkTargetVersionType , base : string , enumeration : [ 8 , 11 , 17 , 21 ]
jee-target-mode The enterprise edition target environment. jeeTargetModeType , base : string , enumeration : [ javax , jakarta ]

Element : relation
Metadata for a relation between to entities to be generated.
Attribute Description Note
id The id of the relation. (e.g. 'userToAddress') It will be used by all relevant generators as base name. (eventually converted with the proper case). string
comment Comment for the relation. string
name The name of the relation. (e.g. 'USER_ADDRESSES') It will be used by all relevant generators as base name. (eventually converted with the proper case). string
from The name of the entity from which the relation originate. (the model will contain the set method). (e.g. 'PUBLIC.FUGERIT.USER') string
to The name of the entity to which the relation goes. (e.g. 'PUBLIC.FUGERIT.ADDRESS') string
mode The mode of the relation, 'one' or 'many'. (e.g. 'many') relationModeType , base : string , enumeration : [ one , many ]
key The list of comma separated field ids to be used for mapping the relation. (e.g. 'ID_USER') string

Element : entity
Metadata for an entity to be generated.
Attribute Description Note
comments The comment for the entity. (e.g. 'Contains users data') string
id The id of the entity. (e.g. 'PUBLIC.FUGERIT.USER') string
name The name of the entity (i.e. the database table). (e.g. 'USER') It will be used by all relevant generators as base name. (eventually converted with the proper case). (e.g. the ModelGenerator will generate a 'ModelUser' interface.) string
primaryKey The primary of the entity. (list of comma separated field ids) (e.g. 'ID') The attribute is optional, but some methods will not be generated if not present. string
schema The schema name for the entity. If present it will be prefixed to table name for query. (e.g. 'FUGERIT') string
catalog The catalog name for the entity. If present it will be prefixed to table name for query. (e.g. 'PUBLIC') string
sequenceName The sequence name for this entity. (it not present will default to global 'default-sequence') (e.g. 'SEQ_USER') string
foreignKeys Comma separated list of entity ids. (e.g. 'PUBLIC.FUGERIT.USER') string
facadeMode Facade mode, comma separated list of accepted values 'complete' (default), 'select', 'insert', 'delete', 'update', 'none'. (e.g. 'complete') It is usually safe to keep the default. string
mapToTable Map the entity to a different table. (e.g. 'alt_entity_name') string

Element : field
Metadata for a field in an entity.
Attribute Description Note
comments The comment for the field. (e.g. 'User system id') string
id The id of the field. (e.g. 'ID') It will be used by all relevant generators as base name. (eventually converted with the proper case). (e.g. the ModelGenerator will generate a 'getId()' and 'setId()' methods.) string
javaType The java type to be used for the field. (e.g. 'java.lang.Long') It will be used by all relevant generators. string
nullable 'yes' if the field is nullable, 'no' if not. default 'yes' string
size The size of the field. (i.e'. the size of a varchar, generally not needed). (e.g. '128') int
sqlType The sql type as for java.sql.Types mapping. (e.g. '5') short
sqlTypeName The sql type name. (e.g. 'BIGINT') string
udt Set to 'true' if the field must be included in user defined type mapping (struct). (e.g. 'true') boolean
structType Used to override default type in user defined type (struct). (e.g. 'java.lang.Long') string
virtual Virtual ('true') field will be included in model, but not in persistente (i.e. CRUD) operations. string